The Amalgamation of Febrile & Galvanic Anxiety//

Currently being the gamefreak I am; GAMES GAMES GAMES. Got 1month free Xbox Live GOLD, & I'm furiously playing halo3 online to get my ranks up. Guitar hero on xbox live's cool too, but there aren't as many players to play with. Halo, on the contrary, remains tops in terms of probably the best Xbox Live game played.

Also downloaded man game demos like Batman:Arkham Asylum, Tomb Raider Underworld, Ace Combat 6, D.O.A 4, Left For Dead 2, & Star Wars:TFU. The ones I didn't list are those kinda games you'd vent your fury on. Pfft.

Anyways. To all my friends who are enrolled in a JC, happy adjusting to your new environment! ^_^ Kudos on getting to junior college.

For all those like me waiting for poly to start, LET'S BE FREE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE till term starts :)
Of course, I'm not saying I'm not looking forward to starting school again, it's just that I wanna be free to do WHATEVER I want before I'm bound to my studies again. Heh.

Ending here. Arrivederci peeps!


Scars Are More Than Less Signs Of Recklessness, Not Toughness.

It's.... ALIVE !!

I've been bored lately... so I guess I'll do the honour of ressurecting my blog back from its cold, dead ashes. It's been a while since I've elucidated my crappy life events which have hindered my desire to even begin a new post. Oh joy.

First of all. There may be a FEW things some of you might have been wondering about;

Was I prepared for my 'O' Levels? Gosh, I'm prepared for life =_=

Was I playing the rebellious redneck? Yes, If you were counting in the period from when I started to halt blogging completely.

Was I REALLY infected with H1N1? No. It turns out I was only suspected of carrying the disease. FREE 1 WEEK HOLIDAY IN JULY FOR NTH.

Who was infected, really? My sis.

How often did I succeed in avoiding PE? Enough times to have my Physical Report Slip Blank.

Did I need the motivational workshop? No. Been there, done that. Trust me, give yourself half a month & you'll revert back to your immoral methods.

Did I break the rules & use the computer when I wasn't supposed to? I always do that, even if it ain't my laptop. I'm becoming more & more of an opportunist; do it only at the right moment, or don't do it at all.

Did I study for my 'O' Levels? Oh c'mon. Stop sounding like my mom/aunt/godparents.

Did I end up doing well? Do I have to answer? Lol~

Did I escape with long hair during the 'O' Levels? You can say that again.

Is my hair long now? It's practically a lush, tropical rainforest.

Am I satisfied with the course I'm about to take? Well.. since it's gonna be in demand in 5-10 year's time, I see that it produces potential high-paying jobs.

How's my bloody maplestory goin'? I exceeded my own expectations; thankfully I still have a life. Lvl 17x now. Don't even know how I got there without being a lifeless wreck. I think it was the regular outings with my family & movie-going that aided in this.

Well well. It seems I have been a naughty boy since I abruptly ceased blogging in April 2009 till Just before the first day of 2010. Anyways. Life goes on. If you happened to wonder what my 2010 resolution is(& no, it's not something that spells, "TO-FOLLOW-UP-ON-PREVIOUS-NEW YEAR'S-RESOLUTIONS"), It's to be more thrifty. Yes. I finally realise how much legal tender I have been burning & even though I'm fortunate to be getting an allowance even when all I'm doing is sitting at home, rotting, I still can't seem to fatten my purse.. I mean wallet.

*No, I'm not with the dark side of the force, I'm with a SPECIAL side called, "HEDONISM".*

I. Shall. End. Here.

Au Revoir garcons et filles`.


Everyone Likes To Criticise, But No One Likes Being Criticised.


Salutations!! Welcome to my very first blog, created on the 4th of September, 2008. Let it be pellucid that I'm entitled to write as I please here. I prefer avoiding sanctimonious conflict; Not Happy? SCOOT. I created this blog intent on keeping track of my life & giving my perspectives regarding new events & ideas, which are my blog's primary purposes. I'm not a fan of rules, but they are a necessity, unfortunately :)

There shall be NO...
-Provocative Flaming
-Heinous Comments
-Anonymous Commenting


Hook me up on MSN @
Thanks Be To All For Visiting! :)


I, Maverick.

* Name: Adib
* Date of Birth: 10th June 1993
* Gender: Male
* Age: 17 as of 2010
* Bloodtype: B
* Heritage:Chinese-Indian-Malay-Portugese
* Primary Language: English
* Height: 5 '7
* Nicknames: Dibby, Dib, Dibs, Dibb Dibb, Dibster * Pseudonyms: Bidalicious, xCr0sSb0n3sx, Phantasmagorical
* Alter-Ego: Ahmed Adeve
* Interests: Music; Vocals, Guitar. Psychology, Philosophy, Etymology, Philology, Literature, The Environment, Fishing

My Preciousss

* Mom & Pops'
* Family
* Friendships
* Relationships
* Sanity
* Phlegmatic Conscience
* Religion
* Music
* Health
* Pets
* Love
* Interests
* Hobbies


Music Playlist at

I Beg Your Pardon


* Personal Laptop
* Crimson Electric Guitar Strings Set
* Master English Accents
* Improve in Mathematics
* Get A Freaking Zakum Helm in MSEA .A
* Get A Scarlion Boss Helm in MSEA .A
* Get A Targa Boss Helm in MSEA .A
* Get A Horntail Necklace in Msea .A
* Get Guitar Hero World Tour:XBOX360
* Go Bungee Jumping
* Complete Halo3 Campaign:Legendary
* Lose 30kg
* Lose 40kg
* Learning Basic French
* Be More Gregarious
* Get an iPhone 3GS/iPad
* Get Xbox Live
* New Handphone
* Go Skydiving
* Going Island Or Boat-Fishing


Iskandar Z
Jonathan Chear
Jonathan Chua
Qiao Zhen

Memory Lane.

September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
April 2009
January 2010
February 2010

The fear of loss is greater than the desire for gain.